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TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:33 am

I believe there is something I don't know about the DMA process. The result of the incorrect transfer is same on both Fusion and my MD... It is really funny, I transfer 320x240 pixels, everything is OK, then I transfer little less, and everything gets really messy after some amount of correctness... I believe some bit gets into wrong place...
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Jorge Nuno
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Post by Jorge Nuno » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:41 pm

Well this is my crappy DMAcopy routine (LOL), always works in fusion and can do DMA to CRAM also, but it needes heavy optimisation in size and speed (comparing to yours)

Can you test it please?
Read the "Parametros" to see the inputs to make this work

Code: Select all

;DMAcopy 68000MEM -> VRAM
;Parametros: a0(Source start), a1(Dest start), d0(Length, bytes), variable: DMA_Launch(1,2)
;Destroi: -
;Retorna: -
			MOVEM.l	d0-d5/a2-a3,		-(a7)		;PUSH 8 regs
			LEA		VDPcontrol,			a2
			LEA		DMA_Launch,			a3
			MOVE.w	#$8174,				(a2)		;Activate DMA

			MOVE.l	a0,					d1			;Break a0 in 3 pieces(bytes)
			ANDI.l	#$FFFFFF,			d1
			LSR.l	#1,					d1
			MOVE.w	d1,					d2
			MOVE.b 	d2,					d3
			SWAP	d1								;d1: High order Address source
													;d2: Mid  order Address source
			LSR.l	#8,					d2			;d3: Low  order Address source

			MOVE.w	#$9700,				d4			;Base config of reg 23 ($17) DMAset + HiAddress
			OR.b	d1,					d4
			MOVE.w	d4,					(a2)
			MOVE.w	#$9600,				d4			;Base config of reg 22 ($16) MidAddress			
			OR.b	d2,					d4						
			MOVE.w	d4,					(a2)
			MOVE.w	#$9500,				d4			;Base config of reg 21 ($15) LowAddress			
			OR.b	d3,					d4	
			MOVE.w	d4,					(a2)		;####DMA Source Address configured####

			MOVE.l	#$9300,				d1			;Base config of reg 19 ($13) WordLength LOW
			LSR.l	#1,					d0			;#words=#bytes/2
			OR.b	d0,					d1			
			MOVE.w	d1,					(a2)			
			MOVE.l	#$9400,				d1			;Base config of reg 20 ($14) WordLength HIGH
			LSR.l	#8,					d0
			OR.b	d0,					d1
			MOVE.w	d1,					(a2)		;####DMA Length configured####

			MOVE.l	a1,					d1			;Manipulate Dest with a data reg 
			MOVE.b	#$40,				d2			;UPconfig base for VRAM write
			CMPI.b	#2,					(a3)		;Check CRAM write
CRAM:		ORI.b	#$80,				d2			;Toggle to CRAM write
			SUB.b	#1,					(a3)		;Deactivate DMA to CRAM
VRAM:		MOVE.w	d1,					d5			;6 medium bits of Dest Address
			LSR		#8,					d5
			ANDI.l	#$3f,				d5			;[---][---][A13][A12][A11][A10][A9][A8]
			OR.l	d5,					d2			;[CD1][CD0][A13][A12][A11][A10][A9][A8]
			SWAP	d2
			LSL.l	#8,					d2			;[4/c][Add][0][0][0][0][0][0]h
			SUB.b	#1,					(a3)		;Deactivate DMA to VRAM
			;MediumAddress READY
			MOVE.b	d1,					d3			;[A7][A6][A5][A4][A3][A2][A1][A0]
			SWAP	d3								;
			ANDI.l	#$FF0000,			d3			;CleanUP
			;LowerAddress READY
			MOVE.w	d1,					d4			;2 upper bits of Dest Address
			LSL.l	#2,					d4
			SWAP	d4								;[---][---][---][---][---][---][A15][A14]
			MOVE.b	#$80,				d5
			OR.b	d4,					d5			;LOWpart command(has A15 and a14)
			ANDI.l	#$83,				d5
			OR.l	d2,					d5			;MEDpart command
			OR.l	d3,					d5			;Hipart command
			MOVE.l	d5,					(a2)		;####LAUNCH DMA!####
			MOVE.w	(a2),				d0			;Read status register to check DMA-busy
			ANDI.w	#$0002,				d0			;Clean Useless bits
			BNE		DMAbusyF						;if(DMAbusy==$10) {wait}, else {continue}
			MOVE.w	#$8164,				(a2)		;Desactiva o DMA
			MOVEM.l	(a7)+,		 	d0-d5/a2-a3		;POP 8 regs
			RTS										;POP PC


EDIT: umm you are not cleaning d2 enough i think...

try putting this AND.l #$00030000, d2 instead of clr.w d2 in the LoadTiles section

EDIT2: DMA reviewed a little and translated to en
Last edited by Jorge Nuno on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:07 pm

Nice and ugly routine of yours :D . Yesterday I did HUGE optimizations of my code, DMA gets incorrect after more correctness. I would post some pictures, but I want to keep my project secret until it is least playable.

My new and better code:

Code: Select all

LoadTiles:              ; D0=Start tile , D3=tiles , A0=Source address
 LSL.W  #5, D0          ; uses DMA, works incorrectly sometimes
 MOVE.W D0, D1
 AND.W  #$3FFF, D0
 OR.W   #$4000, D0
 SWAP   D0
 ROL.W  #2, D1
 AND.W  #3, D1
 MOVE.W D1, D0
 MOVE.L D0, D2
 LSL.W  #4, D3
 MOVE.W D3, D0

DoDMAtoVRAM:            ; Does DMA to VRAM
 MOVE.L #CPORT, A1      ; D0 = WORDs to transfer
 MOVE.W D0, D1          ; D2 = VRAM address
 AND.W  #$00FF, D1      ; A0 = source address
 OR.W   #$9300, D1
 SWAP   D1
 LSR.W  #8, D0
 OR.W   #$9400, D0
 MOVE.W D0, D1
 MOVE.L D1, (A1)
 MOVE.L A0, D0          
 LSR.L  #1, D0          
 MOVE.W #$9500, D1
 OR.B   D0, D1
 SWAP   D1
 LSR.L  #8, D0
 MOVE.W #$9600, D1
 OR.B   D0, D1
 MOVE.L D1, (A1)
 MOVEQ  #9, D1
 LSR.L  D1, D0
 MOVE.W #$9700, D1
 OR.B   D0, D1
 MOVE.W D1, (A1)
 OR.W   #$80, D2
 MOVE.L D2, (A1)
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Jorge Nuno
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Post by Jorge Nuno » Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:20 pm

Jorge Nuno wrote:
EDIT: umm you are not cleaning d2 enough i think...

try putting this AND.l #$00030000, d2 instead of clr.w d2 in the LoadTiles section
Did you tried this? ^^

It was on my previous post but it was for your old routine

And now my routine uses less registers

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:32 pm

Actually I didn't, as I optimized my routines BEFORE you posted your message :wink: (and I don't keep old code). BTW, you can change these 2 AND.B to OR.B under LowAddress label, should be faster then.
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Jorge Nuno
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Post by Jorge Nuno » Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:35 pm

TmEE co.(TM) wrote:Actually I didn't, as I optimized my routines BEFORE you posted your message :wink: (and I don't keep old code). BTW, you can change these 2 AND.B to OR.B under LowAddress label, should be faster then.
LOL I always make my code work in the 1st place and then I try to optimize it if possible 8)

I edited the the DMA post
Every ADD -> changed to OR, i didn't remember of OR instruction existence when i wrote it :shock:

You could just copy the routine you posted here before and then fix it like i said

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Post by TascoDLX » Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:53 am

Jorge Nuno wrote:try putting this AND.l #$00030000, d2 instead of clr.w d2 in the LoadTiles section
Nope, not a problem...

Code: Select all

 LSL.W  #5, D0
 SWAP   D0
 CLR.W  D0     <- top half of D0 cleared (watch the swaps)
 SWAP   D0
 MOVE.L D0, D2 <- D0 copied to D2
 LSL.L  #2, D2
 CLR.W  D2
 SWAP   D2     <- here: just two bits in the bottom half
 AND.L  #$3FFF, D0
 SWAP   D0     <- here: the other fourteen bits in the top half
 OR.L   D0, D2 <- combine
 LSL.W  #4, D3
 MOVE.W D3, D0
All checks out.

Back to the problem at hand: in case you're going from ROM to VRAM, here's a bit from Charles MacDonald's wonderful VDP document:
When a transfer is done out of the ROM area ($000000-3FFFFF), the machine
will lock up unless the write that triggers the DMA operation is done
using RAM.

Usually this means putting the command word or the latter half of the
command word in RAM and moving that into the control port, putting
the command word on the stack and moving that into the control port,
or having the instruction that moves the command word into the control
port execute out of RAM.
Not a problem if the code is executing out of RAM, but might be helpful.

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:10 pm

I've read CMD wonderful docs, official docs, everything else I've found, tried everything, but still no luck :( I'll bet it is something simple, it happens in Fusion too, every pixel shows the same garbage... but until that time, I use 68K loops.
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Post by TascoDLX » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:14 am

In your "new and better code":

Code: Select all

 MOVEQ  #9, D1 <-- right shift
 LSR.L  D1, D0 <-- by nine?
 MOVE.W #$9700, D1
 OR.B   D0, D1
 MOVE.W D1, (A1)
I'm sure it's just a typo as your previous code was correct.

Some other ideas:

You could try checking the DMA status flag -- VDP status bit 1 -- before starting the transfer, in case you have overlapping DMA ops.

Also, at least as a precaution, you may want to keep DMA disabled -- VDP register $01 bit 4 -- when you don't need it. I don't know the chances of accidentally triggering a DMA transfer but most games keep it disabled.

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:06 pm

Thanks for noticing, I have no idea why I need to shift right 9 bit positions...

I'll disable DMA and enable it only if I need it. Any accidental triggering should be impossible, as I don't touch that register more than once, in the boot up proccess. And I only used DMA to load tiles, so 68K would be halted, so DMAing when DMA is in progress would be impossible.

I'll correct my weirdness and I think then it starts to work.
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TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:24 pm

Everything worked from the beginning... I think I stumbeld on a weird feature, I think DMA cannot go over 64K boundaries (like on PC, where DMA won't cross 64K segment). Its just a guess, but ALIGN $10000 helped to correct it. And BTW, I got Jorge's code working in my code, and the result was pixel by pixel same, so I came to this conclusion.
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Jorge Nuno
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Post by Jorge Nuno » Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:40 am

Well thanks for testing it :D , and i tested your routine you first posted and it did it ok, so i couldn't find the error... and btw you were trying do DMA more than 64K? or was just memory mirroring?

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Post by ob1 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:47 am

Here's the one I use. It is more versatile, since you can specify size, source and destination.

Code: Select all

				; 496 cycles.
	link	a6,#0
	movem.l	d3-d6/a2,-(sp)
	move.l	#GFX_CTRL,a2	; GFX_CTRL
	move.w	#$817C,(a2)	; Enable DMA
	move.w	8(a6),d3	; int size
	move.l	10(a6),d4	; long addr_src
	move.w	14(a6),d6	; long addr_dest

	lsl.l	#8,d3		; --------FEDCBA98 76543210--------
	lsr.w	#8,d3		; --------FEDCBA98 --------76543210
	andi.l	#$00FF00FF,d3	; --------FEDCBA98 --------76543210
	addi.l	#$94009300,d3	;  9   4  FEDCBA98  9   3  76543210
	move.l	d3,(a2)

	lsr.l	#1,d4		; -FEDCBA987654321 0FEDCBA987654321
	move.l	d4,d5
	andi.l	#$007F00FF,d5	; --------87654321 --------87654321
				; 68k - VDP RAM : bit 7 of reg 23 = 0
	addi.l	#$97009500,d5	;  9   7  87654321  9   5  87654321
	move.l	d5,(a2)
	lsr.w	#8,d4		;                  --------0FEDCBA9
	addi.w	#$9600,d4	;                   9   6  0FEDCBA9
	move.w	d4,(a2)

	andi.l	#$0000FFFF,d6	; ---------------- FEDCBA9876543210
	rol.w	#2,d6		; ---------------- DCBA9876543210FE
	swap	d6		; DCBA9876543210FE ----------------
	addi.w	#$0021,d6	; DCBA9876543210FE ----------100001
	ror.l	#2,d6		; 01DCBA9876543210 FE----------1000
	lsl.b	#2,d6		; 01DCBA9876543210 FE--------1000--
	rol.w	#2,d6		; 01DCBA9876543210 --------1000--FE
	move.l	d6,(a2)

	move.w	#$816C,(a2)	; Disable DMA
	movem.l	(sp)+,d3-d6/a2
	unlk	a6
Maybe it helps.

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:57 am

Jorge Nuno wrote:Well thanks for testing it :D , and i tested your routine you first posted and it did it ok, so i couldn't find the error... and btw you were trying do DMA more than 64K? or was just memory mirroring?
No no, I transferred ~20KB, but that image part of the image started from one 64KB chunk, and ended in another (I used these "chucks" to make things more clear, in reality there isn't any).

I'll try OB1's code too, I'm pretty sure it acts the same.
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Post by Stef » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:18 pm

TmEE co.(TM) wrote:Everything worked from the beginning... I think I stumbeld on a weird feature, I think DMA cannot go over 64K boundaries (like on PC, where DMA won't cross 64K segment). Its just a guess, but ALIGN $10000 helped to correct it. And BTW, I got Jorge's code working in my code, and the result was pixel by pixel same, so I came to this conclusion.
hmmm sound interesting, i didn't know that... I didn't emulated it in this way in Gens (0x400000 boundary for ROM and 0x10000 for RAM).
Well, i've to fix my library functions :p
Thanks for the tips :)

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